You win Bruise Cruise by having the most points at the end of the game. Points are scored through four different actions: claiming ports, firing torpedoes, firing missiles, and decommissioning ships.

Game Components
Action cards
Each Action card depicts a port (location), engine rating (number), exchange option, region location, and a mostly true “fact.” The deck contains two Action cards for each port. The engine rating determines the maximum number of spaces a ship may sail. The exchange option indicates what you may claim (life preservers and weapons) by playing the card. The fact is a gateway into learning about the port or country.
Game Components
Unfathomable cards
These were created by The Unfathomables, a shadowy cabal of absurdists that took control of all governments following The Unfathomable Events of 2037. There are 18 of these cards and they allow you to do some pretty Unfathomable things.

Game Components
Everything else
Home Port markers, ships, flags, missiles, torpedoes, dice, score card, and of course a board.
Set up
Each Admiral (player) chooses their cruise line and receives two life preservers (currency) and one missile.
Admirals are dealt 7 cards face-down and choose a Home Port from the cards in their hand. They place their Home Port marker and Flagship on this port.

There are 13 possible actions in the game. Admirals take any two of the following actions each turn:

• Sail any ship one space (the most boring move).
• Play an Action card to sail the number of spaces depicted on the card’s engine rating.
Claim a port
• Claim a port by sailing into it and playing the corresponding Action card (1 point).

• Exchange life preservers for weapons. Missiles cost one life preserver; torpedoes cost two.
• Play Action cards in exchange for life preservers and weapons.
• Fire a torpedo from a ship at another ship that is within three sailing spaces (1 point).
• Fire a missile from a port at a ship that is within three sailing spaces by playing the port's Action card (1 point).
• Raid a ship that's adjacent to your ship: it’s your passengers vs. their passengers in a chaotic brawl.
• Battle for a port that a rival cruise line has already claimed.

Do other stuff
• Play an Unfathomable card.
• Remove an anchor from one of your ships.
• Commission a new ship in your Home Port.
• Decommission a ship in your Home Port (1 point).
Card replenishment
Following your two actions, you may select up to two cards from the top of the deck. You may hold a maximum of seven cards in your hand.
After the final card in the deck has been selected, Admirals must play at least one card during each turn.
Card shuffling (3- or 4-Admiral game)
If playing a 2-Admiral game, when the final card has been played, the game ends.
In a 3- or 4-Admiral game, shuffle the discarded deck when there are no cards remaining to be selected.
End game
The game ends in one of two ways:
• An Admiral plants their cruise line’s flag in all five regions and decommissions all six ships.
• All cards have been played in a 2-Admiral game, or have been played twice in a 3- or 4-Admiral game.
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