Bruise Cruise production update

The past few weeks have been very productive here at Bruise Cruise HQ, which is located in a shack behind any Long John Silver's.
Play testers gonna play test
We were featured designers at Protospiel San Jose, a table top gaming convention that is not actually in San Jose but brands itself that way to take advantage of the enormous cultural cache associated with the city of San Jose please note that this is a joke. Bruise Cruise received positive marks from all 21 play testers. Since there were no awards given at Protospiel, we declared ourselves the winner of the Best Game Award.
In the home stretch
We are also continuing to test the game with a group of hardcore gamers that are not shy about giving us their opinions, some of which are making the game better. Others are just projections of spite unrelated to the game, but we're here to listen.
Launching… soon?
We hope to launch the game by the end of 2019, at which time we will begin taking pre-orders. If you want to speed things up a bit, help us by purchasing Bruise Cruise merchandise or joining the Bruise Cruise Navy to help us with our started goal of getting Bruise Cruise on every flat surface. If you are broke or (worse) a graduate student, you can help us out by spreading the word: send your friends to our site and spam your enemies to our site.
If you can’t wait and want to be one of the first players, you can order a prototype from The Game Crafter.
Sail on.