Now taking pre-orders of Bruise Cruise

Now taking pre-orders of Bruise Cruise

Production status

We’ve approved our pre-production copy of Bruise Cruise, which means we’re moving on to the mass production phase. After our print run is complete, we approve a mockup of our exact materials and final assembly occurs. After that, we ship everything to our fulfillment house and they send it to you.

Yeah but when?

We are manufacturing Bruise Cruise with Panda Games, one of the leading names in the board game industry. Because the demand for working with Panda is so high, their queue of games is long, and it will take them several months to mass produce the game. After a very detailed quality assurance process, it can take up to five weeks for the product to be shipped across the Pacific and to clear customs.

Once we get the shipping date confirmed, we’ll be able to narrow down the date we’ll be trucking (not shipping, unless you live on a small island with no roads) the game to you. At present, we’re projecting an early summer release, just in time for the start of hurricane season.

Rest assured, we will be shipping a game to you, and we will keep you updated on our progress with each hurdle that is hurdled.

Pre-order and save

When you pre-order through our site right now, you pay for the game as if it were in stock and ready to ship. Pre-orders help to offset the large up-front investment that we’ve made. They also ensure your place in history: “I can’t believe we got a first edition copy of Bruise Cruise on the day it was released! We should have ordered two—one to play and one to sell in mint condition for $9,000,000 here in the year 2037, because that's the current year we're in: 2037.”

If you’ve signed up to board the HMS Mailing List, you’ve received a discount code. If you haven’t signed up yet, it’s not too late, and also what's your deal? Sign up before February 20th to receive updates and get your discount code.

If you don’t want to pre-order, you can still be notified when the game is released, but the discount code will no longer be valid.

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