Gifts you didn’t know you wanted

The holidays are over and it means a reprieve from the shopping frenzy and a time to relish in the gifts you received. What? You didn’t get everything you wanted? Or anything at all? Allow us to help you out.
Ever want to tell people that you’re part of an absurdist cult, but don’t want to actually talk to them? A Bruise Cruise “facts” t-shirt or mug says it all. Choose from many options of Bruise Cruise “facts” you’ll find on the cards in the Bruise Cruise board game.*
Not your bag?
If you’re like, “Hey, I like the ‘facts’ and believe them to be ‘true,’ but I don’t really dig the merch.” No problem! Now you can request new items. We’re the captains of this vessel, and what we say, goes. And by “we,” we mean “you.” Tell us what type of stuff you’d like to see and wear. Here are some ideas your fellow cultists have suggested:
*Shipping early Summer. Get notified.